Jakie’s Hypnobirth: A Magical Christmas Arrival

Birth Story by Jakie, Hypnobirthing Mum

“I went into labour on Christmas morning, they couldn’t stop it. It was very fast. It was 40 mins all up from onset to baby being born.”

As a first timer during pregnancy I had a lot of negative thoughts / fears on all things pregnancy/birth/parenthood so I researched and tried all options to ensure I had a positive birth experience. 

I went into labour on Christmas morning, they couldn’t stop it. It was very fast. It was 40 mins all up from onset to baby being born.

I didn’t get my water birth, but that’s okay.  With my partner Clarry’s help I was able to listen to the hypnobirthing tracks through my headphones, had Clarry reminding me to do surge breaths, relax my jaw when I needed and helping with positions to ease the pain. He didn’t get many photos because of how fast it went. Baby was almost born in his sac, but they had to burst it on the way out to ease the delivery. I think I was tearing because of the extra stretch. Had a large blood loss, but they said I had a placental abruption.

We had a little boy (still working on his name), he’s in the NICU until he can breathe properly by himself. We’re hoping in the next day or so he’ll be off oxygen support.


Thank you again, the course helped so much with what was not a controlled environment, but we were able to control what we could and I felt stronger in myself about the actual delivery.

Thank you ☺️

Jakie's Christmas Hypnobirth
Jakie's Christmas Hypnobirth
Jakie's Christmas Hypnobirth
Group Gold Coast Hypnobirthing Course

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