
What is hypnobirthing?

What is hypnobirthing?

Hypnobirthing is a calm, positive and natural approach to childbirth. It is about eliminating fears  and empowering you…

Meet Kate

Meet Kate

I’m a warm, compassionate person who is truly dedicated to empowering women and their birth partners…

Why do I teach hypnobirthing?

Why do I teach hypnobirthing?

Hypnobirthing empowered me with information and gave me the self-confidence to make the necessary decisions…



Let me answer your questions or feel free to message me


“Hypnobirthing is as much a philosophy of birthing as it is techniques. When a mother and her birth companion are able to approach their birth without fear and with knowledge, good support, and tools for the birth – then their birthing can be a positive and empowering experience.”
Melissa Spilsted, director of Hypnobirthing Australia™

What Positively Hypnobirthing mums are saying...

"This course should be compulsory for all pregnant women! We completed Kate’s course in our second pregnancy and wished we had done it with our first. My partner and I learnt SO much about how to have a natural, positive birth and even better we were given the tools to make it happen! The course brought us so much closer together as a couple and allowed my partner to feel engaged, connected and have a role at our birth. Kate is a natural childbirth educator and we are very grateful that she was recommended to us. As a result of doing the Hypnobirthing Australia™ course we were able to have our own beautiful,  natural, hypno, water birth at home. Our ‘positive’ birth experience will stay with us forever. Thank you Kate!"
