Jane’s Speedy Unplanned Home Birth

“From my first contraction at 9:30pm to her delivery at 10:38pm (on my bedroom floor!!) she was a speedy gal who wanted to be out asap. Paramedics walked through our door just as Hugo was catching her!”

The Role of the Birth Partner: How to Support During Hypnobirthing

Here’s how birth partners can transform from passive bystanders into empowered, amazing supports:
When it comes to birth, many partners are unsure about their role. They might feel they’ll be on the sidelines, offering occasional encouragement, but hypnobirthing changes the game. In hypnobirthing, partners are central to the process, equipped with skills to provide meaningful, active support and to advocate for the birthing person’s needs.

Izabela’s Positive Hypnobirth with Epidural

“I kept moving on the bed, switching positions and had my legs and bum jiggled by Sam. The pushing phase I was able to feel the contractions with my own hands on my belly and breathe and push accordingly. I was so calm and relaxed, and he came out without any issues.”

Jess’ Empowered, Tear-Free Hypnobirth Through Interventions

“I managed to get two towels rolled up to put under me to make room for my tail bone. Our beautiful baby girl was pushed out in 36 minutes, coming in at 3.6kg and 54cm long and I had no tearing.”

Rebekah’s Quick Accidental Car Hypnobirth

“… our baby arrived in the car at the hospital entrance 7.40am! I only started labour a bit before 4am.. a total of no more than 4hours, still can’t believe how quick it all happened… Women need to hear / share more positive stories so that future mums don’t have to fear this journey.”

Emma’s Water Birth Without Intervention

“We’re pleased to announce that our precious little boy was welcomed into the world yesterday.  He was 41+2days, 53cm long + 3.8kg of perfection! We had a beautiful water birth without any interventions at GCUH & applied plenty of the strategies we learned through the hypnobirthing course! “

Dani’s Fast Hospital Water Birth

“After our chat, I did all the things we discussed. Then late that afternoon on the drive to hospital for a check (due to my waters releasing 2 days earlier), I started getting cramps. Finally… I thought.”

Mirakai’s Natural Hospital Water Birth

“Hey Kate! We just wanted to let you know Jake and I welcomed our little man on Monday 25th March. We just wanted to thank you – it was a gruelling 60 hour labour with 3 surges every 10 minutes (my body didn’t dilate at the ‘regular’ pace)…”

Laura’s Natural Water Birth at the Birth Centre

“I pulled our beautiful baby out and onto my chest from the water at 5.27am. It was truly an incredible experience… People told me there was no way to prepare for what child birth would offer, and that anything I had practiced and learned would quickly go out the window. This could not be further from the truth!”

Lauren’s 2nd undisturbed home hypnobirth

“The surges are big and back-to-back. All I can do is focus on reaching their peak. My mind was very much in athletic mode. The mantra was ingrained – these were natural sensations caused by my muscles working hard. I told myself at the end of each surge, I can do that again.”