Birth Story by Bianca, Hypnobirthing Mum
“I had the same instinct as I did with Alvie and needed to lay on my side with my leg up to birth our beautiful chunky monkey. We did it all with no pain relief and just all our hypnobirthing tools from last time with you.”
Liam, Alvie and I finally welcomed our surprise baby boy into the family yesterday. Cruz was born yesterday at 41+2 weighing 9 pounds!! We did water immersion in the bath and then I had the exact same instinct as I did with Alvie and needed to lay on my side with my leg up to birth our beautiful chunky monkey. We did it all with no pain relief and just all our hypnobirthing tools from last time with you.
We had candles lit, diffuser on with clary sage, clary sage in the bath, hypnobirthing tracks playing and my affirmations up around the birthing suite. It was so beautiful and we had so many compliments, we actually had a lot of midwives and doctors even ask to come pop in during to see as they hadn’t seen such a beautiful birth set up before. We said this was fine as long as there was no chatter or anything, which I didn’t notice anything at all 😊
Liam was once again, absolutely amazing and I couldn’t have done it without him ♥️♥️

A bit of background behind it… We were being urged a week prior to be induced that day as I went to my antenatal appt and advised I had noticed bubs reduced movements, we went on a CTG and bubs movements were good. The doctor urged me to be induced that day, I stood my ground with the support of the midwives also and declined as I wanted to experience a spontaneous labour this time and not to be induced. We were told some nasty things like it would be our fault if baby was still-birth. She then mentioned that they don’t have time for another week to induce me if I need to be induced, so it was much about “their convenience” and not mine. I held strong with my preference. My midwife did a stretch and sweep and told me to try some home remedies to try bring on labour at home.
We were booked in for induction on Saturday. We came into the hospital and on assessment the midwife said I was dilated 3cms and she did another stretch and sweep and said to come in Sunday and we will induce you then.
We came in yesterday morning and had great news, I was 5cm dilated and they broke my waters and offered me the oxytocin drip which I declined. We laboured this time without the need of the oxytocin drip 🥰 We felt so empowered and were so much more confident to speak up with what we did and didn’t want xx

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