Jane’s Speedy Unplanned Home Birth

“From my first contraction at 9:30pm to her delivery at 10:38pm (on my bedroom floor!!) she was a speedy gal who wanted to be out asap. Paramedics walked through our door just as Hugo was catching her!”

Lauren’s Beautiful, Positive, Accidental Homebirth

“I realised now there was no leaving, that window had passed. I couldn’t talk and I couldn’t hold her any longer. The safest thing was to keep going. My body was doing what it was designed to do and it was doing a great job!”

Zarah’s Undisturbed Water birth at Home (Birth Video)

“From a moment that I had feared my whole life & even said I would try for a planned c section when I was younger to change into the most incredible & magical experience of my life is so amazing! 😍

Kyra’s Rapid Accidental Homebirth

“It was such an intense and unexpected experience, and was the best we could possibly have asked for. I can just see Brett sitting Madeline down on the family’s sacred birth rug every 31st December and telling her the story of how she came to be.”
Our baby girl arrived on New Years Eve in a very rapid fashion.

Kamal’s VBAC Story – Accidental Home Birth

After months of preparing, gaining knowledge and advocating for the birth I wanted, my little bundle of joy was born exactly on his expected due date. As a second time mum, I was feeling more empowered and informed of my choices and felt more confident with the extra preparation I had done e.g., hypnobirthing class, prenatal yoga and active birthing, natural remedies, etc.

Sam’s Unplanned Home Birth

So many people have asked as we had an unplanned home birth how it all happened, so I thought rather then repeat the story I’d share a brief version for everyone to have a little insight into the best day of our lives.

Leading into Evie’s birth I wanted to be as prepared and organised as I could be to give this baby the best shot at a natural drug-free birth and also to make me feel empowered and strong on the day of her arrival. I did a bit of research and came across hypnobirthing and it sounded like something I’d like to try.

My Accidental Unassisted Breech Homebirth

I never imagined I would have a breech baby; let alone have the confidence to birth him naturally; and furthermore birth him unexpectedly at home with only my husband present to catch our baby boy.  I will forever be grateful for hypnobirthing which helped me through the stress of all the hospital visits in the final few weeks of pregnancy and the day of my son’s birth.