Jane’s Speedy Unplanned Home Birth
“From my first contraction at 9:30pm to her delivery at 10:38pm (on my bedroom floor!!) she was a speedy gal who wanted to be out asap. Paramedics walked through our door just as Hugo was catching her!”
Lauren’s 2nd undisturbed home hypnobirth
“The surges are big and back-to-back. All I can do is focus on reaching their peak. My mind was very much in athletic mode. The mantra was ingrained – these were natural sensations caused by my muscles working hard. I told myself at the end of each surge, I can do that again.”
Leo’s Gentle Birth | 20 minutes of pushing, 10lbs, no tearing, at home surrounded by fur babies
“There he was, our son Leo Mattheus, suddenly, on my belly. My belly that held him, my belly that connected us for all of these months. He was finally here, on the other side – earth side. His beautiful open eyes that had just met mine, his incredible vernix spread all over his beautiful, healthy, long, 10 pound body.”
Mikaela’s Undisturbed 4.5hr Hypnobirth in the Water at Home
“I could feel the “ring of fire” as his head was coming out. Our little boy was caught by Cam [birth partner] and passed through to me at 7:50pm. My total labour was about 4.5 hours and I was involuntarily pushing for about 1.5 hours….I can’t wait to birth again at home. It was a beautiful, empowering experience.”
Karli’s Calm, Gentle Hypnobirth at Home
“I know that without my hypno training I would have panicked and lost control of myself and my orientation to time and place. I also would have gone into the experience full of fear and allowed others to make decisions for me.”
Asher Arrives Under the Stars at Home
On Wednesday 26th February 2020, 13 days from the due date of our sixth child, I felt our little boy was going to join us very soon. Our other children had all arrived quite close to their due dates (our third daughter was earliest, being five days before), so I had almost relied on this knowledge being true for this birth as well in making plans and getting organised.