Kyla’s Drug and Intervention Free Water Birth
“Just wanted to send you a pic and say thank you. This is Hannah Lorelai, she was born a week early last Monday with a drug and intervention free water birth at Redlands birth suite at Redlands birth suite, a very healthy 3.49kgs and only laboured in hospital for 5hrs.”
Georgia’s 2nd Natural, Drug Free / No Interventions Hypnobirth
“She was 4.570kg… I was in utter shock that I had just birthed an even bigger baby than my first and I didn’t have any tears and required no stitches… I wasn’t scared about birthing a big baby because I had so much faith in my body and knew if I’d done it once I could do it again.”
Chanae’s Empowered Natural Hypnobirth
“13 hours of completely natural and unmedicated labour our beautiful girl was born just before 6am… I was absolutely euphoric holding our beautiful baby we had been eagerly awaiting. It was truly the birth of my dreams.”
Natalie’s Natural Water Hypnobirth
“I instinctively felt the need to turn my body around with my back to the bath’s edge and my hands gripping the edge. I seemed to be in some kind of spider man pose and I remember hearing Ellen say, that’s it, that’s your position.”
Gina and Donny’s Natural Twin Hypnobirth
“Everything is still surreal. As I look at my two beautiful girls I am so proud of what I achieved, backing myself & trusting in my innate abilities & in my babies to birth them. All the midwives at the hospital told me that it’s a rare sighting for them to see these days.”
Mikaela’s Undisturbed 4.5hr Hypnobirth in the Water at Home
“I could feel the “ring of fire” as his head was coming out. Our little boy was caught by Cam [birth partner] and passed through to me at 7:50pm. My total labour was about 4.5 hours and I was involuntarily pushing for about 1.5 hours….I can’t wait to birth again at home. It was a beautiful, empowering experience.”
Yolonda’s 2nd Hypnobirth. Beautiful 9 pound 15oz bub born naturally with no tearing!
“He was a big boy measuring at 55cms long and 4520grams (9 pound 15oz) and I also had no tearing!”
Lauren’s Intense, But Magical Posterior Hypnobirth
“Then I just instinctively knew I had to change positions… and then birthed him about 5-10 minutes later at 7.21am in the pool and received him myself which was just the most special moment in my entire life…” 💙
Tessa and Jacob’s hospital water birth and 2nd hynobirth
“There was instant relief when I hit the water and Layne was out nice and quickly with just a second degree tear and no problems to my episiotomy I had with Remi. I just wanted to share with you how beautiful my second birth was with our second baby girl Layne….
Katrina and Michael’s Powerful and Empowering 3.5 Hour Birth
“While we never set out for a natural birth, I am so grateful – and still processing – every part of our birth and how we brought our little man, Lenny, into the world on the 22 November 2021. We never had a set plan (healthiest and safest way), but I can say we did it as calm as possible, and thankful to have experienced a very short, powerful and empowering 3.5 hour birth.”