Jane’s Speedy Unplanned Home Birth
“From my first contraction at 9:30pm to her delivery at 10:38pm (on my bedroom floor!!) she was a speedy gal who wanted to be out asap. Paramedics walked through our door just as Hugo was catching her!”
Dani’s Fast Hospital Water Birth
“After our chat, I did all the things we discussed. Then late that afternoon on the drive to hospital for a check (due to my waters releasing 2 days earlier), I started getting cramps. Finally… I thought.”
Lauren’s 2nd undisturbed home hypnobirth
“The surges are big and back-to-back. All I can do is focus on reaching their peak. My mind was very much in athletic mode. The mantra was ingrained – these were natural sensations caused by my muscles working hard. I told myself at the end of each surge, I can do that again.”
Kate’s Natural, No Tearing 2nd Hypno Water Birth
“My body was instinctively doing what it needed to do. I don’t think the midwives really realised how close I was to birth as about 20mins later my little babe popped out into the bath…”
Georgia’s 2nd Natural, Drug Free / No Interventions Hypnobirth
“She was 4.570kg… I was in utter shock that I had just birthed an even bigger baby than my first and I didn’t have any tears and required no stitches… I wasn’t scared about birthing a big baby because I had so much faith in my body and knew if I’d done it once I could do it again.”
Mel’s Empowering & Healing VBAC
“At 6.40am, Makybe was born, 9.6pounds/4.35 kilograms! I got my delayed cord clamping & golden hour as requested too. It was the most empowering & healing birth, the complete opposite to my first birth & I am so happy I was well informed & trusted my gut instinct & body.”
Kirstin’s Calm and Healing Hypnobirth with Induction
“I found it really manageable with all these techniques… 5 hours in and I instinctively wanted to change positions. I laid on my side on the bed with a peanut ball between my legs and on each contraction I internally rotated my top leg to open the lower half of my pelvis, allowing baby to move down.”
Yolonda’s 2nd Hypnobirth. Beautiful 9 pound 15oz bub born naturally with no tearing!
“He was a big boy measuring at 55cms long and 4520grams (9 pound 15oz) and I also had no tearing!”
Katie’s Story of Baby Ayla’s Birth – A Magical Maternal Assisted CS Delivery
“When the time came, I was given long sterile gloves and the drape was lowered after baby’s head was out. She made the tiniest little noise but did not cry. The lights were dimmed and I reached over and grabbed her under her arms and pulled her out to my chest.”
Rianna & Shaun’s Empowering Hypnobirth for their 2nd Birth with their beautiful 10 pound 3 bub
“It is such an empowering feeling knowing what our bodies are capable of … To our surprise, he weighed in at 10 pounds 3!! We couldn’t believe how big he was considering at our 20 week scan bub was measuring small!… I didn’t tear considering the size of bub!”