Tessa and Jacob’s hospital water birth and 2nd hynobirth

“There was instant relief when I hit the water and Layne was out nice and quickly with just a second degree tear and no problems to my episiotomy I had with Remi. I just wanted to share with you how beautiful my second birth was with our second baby girl Layne….

Lara’s Super Quick Hypnobirth

I’d been warned that my birth would be quick, however I really didn’t expect it to be that quick! From my waters breaking to baby in my arms, the total time was 2 hours and 15 minutes.

Ally’s Beautiful Healing Water Birth

We did it! Everything we’d practiced, visualised and prepared for.
This birth was so beautiful and healing for me as a Mother and the amount of growth that has come from this as a couple and family was so much more than I could have ever hoped for.

Kim’s 3 Hour Hypnobirth With Low Lying Placenta

I was approximately 10 days overdue and there was pressure coming from my OB to do an induction, however this was something I strongly was against and knew that our little man was happy and healthy and was coming when he was ready… 

Kamal’s VBAC Story – Accidental Home Birth

After months of preparing, gaining knowledge and advocating for the birth I wanted, my little bundle of joy was born exactly on his expected due date. As a second time mum, I was feeling more empowered and informed of my choices and felt more confident with the extra preparation I had done e.g., hypnobirthing class, prenatal yoga and active birthing, natural remedies, etc.

Kara’s Amazing Hypnobirth with Her Beautiful 4.8kg Baby

This was Kara and Anthony’s 2nd baby. Kara was induced for her 1st birth and there was cascade of interventions that she was hoping to avoid for her 2nd birth, so they came to Positively Hypnobirthing to do the Hypnobirthing Australia™ course. They did such an amazing job at coping with pressures during the lead up to the birth and then again during the birth of their bub. They asserted their right to choice and knew that just because they were told their baby was measuring big, it did not mean there was any reason for alarm or any reason not to trust Kara’s body to do the job it was designed to do. Kara and Anthony’s bub, Patrick, ended up weighing a very healthy 4.8kg (over 10 pounds!). She was such a hypnobirthing star!

My Accidental Unassisted Breech Homebirth

I never imagined I would have a breech baby; let alone have the confidence to birth him naturally; and furthermore birth him unexpectedly at home with only my husband present to catch our baby boy.  I will forever be grateful for hypnobirthing which helped me through the stress of all the hospital visits in the final few weeks of pregnancy and the day of my son’s birth.