Jess’ Empowered, Tear-Free Hypnobirth Through Interventions

Birth Story by Jess, Hypnobirthing Mum

“I managed to get two towels rolled up to put under me to make room for my tail bone. Our beautiful baby girl was pushed out in 36 minutes, coming in at 3.6kg and 54cm long and I had no tearing.”

My labour didn’t quite go to plan and I did end up having some interventions but I’m damn proud of myself for how I handled everything and I have you and this wonderful course to thank for that!

Sunday morning the 21st at 2:45 am my waters released unexpectedly, I had been having a dream about birth and felt a popping sensation which woke me up immediately. I managed to get out of bed before I felt the uncontrollable trickling. An hour later my surges began and I focused on trying to go back to sleep for the rest of the early morning. I laboured at home for the entire day into the night, resting as much as possible and listening to the tracks and my rainforest music.

Around 10pm that Sunday night we decided it was definitely time to head to hospital and my surges were at the point of 3-4 in 10, although they weren’t quite lasting a minute but very close to, they were intense and I felt it was time.

Jess' Birth Story
Jess' Birth Story

I arrived at MAC and was taken in to be examined where I refused the vaginal exam, they did however put me on a monitor for baby as her heart rate was a bit too high. The concern was stress and potential for infection as I had gone so long with my waters being released. I was not allowed to go in the tub for a water birth, I had a cannula inserted in my hand and was put onto fluid and antibiotics, I was only allowed in and out of the shower and baby’s heart rate was constantly monitored with the straps around my belly – this also meant someone was always touching me as they kept having trouble with the machine not picking up the heart beat which was incredibly invasive and I became really exhausted and touched out.

5:30am Monday morning came around and I agreed to a vaginal exam which told me I was still only 3-5 cm dilated after all this time. My body was exhausted and starting to shut down on me, the whole time I also had to stand in labour as again any other position and they would lose the heart beat. As a result of all this I started to pass out standing up and Tim had to catch me a few times.

I did request the gas and had that for a short period of time until around 7:30am. It was at this point I actually requested an epidural as I knew I needed rest to help my body and baby.

At 7:41 am I got the epidural and was able to sleep for a while to recover some energy. At 11:53am I had another vaginal exam and was still only 6cm dilated- until 5:41 pm still 6cm dilated. After this point the doctor was pushing for a c section but I refused as there was no immediate danger to me or baby, I requested another 2 hours to let things unfold naturally as I felt I was getting close to actually pushing.

At 7:30pm I was fully dilated and felt the urge to push (and poo 🤣) I started pushing on my side with assistance, then was told I had to push on my back because the side wasn’t quite working. I managed to get two towels rolled up to put under me to make room for my tail bone. Our beautiful baby girl was pushed out in 36 minutes, coming in at 3.6kg and 54cm long and I had no tearing. We got our delayed cord clamping and uninterrupted skin to skin with our first breast feed.

Jess' Birth Story

Willow Rayne born 22/7 at 9:16pm.

What an intense and exhausting long labour but worth every second.

Jess' Birth Story
Jess' Birth Story
Jess and Tim Hypnobirthing Gold Coast Group Course

“Highly recommend this birth course! Kate is so passionate, welcoming, knowledgeable and supportive. We left this course feeling empowered and at such ease knowing so much more about the whole birth process and also that we will have ongoing support leading up to birth and there after. Kate provides so many great resources both in this course and out. Thank you for everything and we cant wait to update you with our birth story and to meet our baby girl.”

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