Birth Story by Kirstin, Hypnobirthing Mum
“I found it really manageable with all these techniques… 5 hours in and I instinctively wanted to change positions. I laid on my side on the bed with a peanut ball between my legs and on each contraction I internally rotated my top leg to open the lower half of my pelvis, allowing baby to move down.“
I was induced at 41+4 days. Considering the hospital was pushing for induction from 39 weeks, I felt good about being induced then. I was induced with my first, Rahnee, so knew what to expect. I wasn’t scared of the pain and having done the Hypnobirthing course with Kate during my first pregnancy, I knew what techniques worked for us. My hubby Ven and I make a great team and as long as I had Ven, I felt fully supported. I had total faith in us!
I was admitted 5pm Friday 5th August and had one lot of gels overnight then was off to the birth suite in the morning. I met the midwife who was on for my labour, Hayley, and a student midwife, Shae, asked to be a part of it too. They were lovely and I felt in good hands.
We had a chat about how I wanted the birth to go. My waters were broken and there was a little bit of meconium so they gave Ven and I an hour alone together before I had to go on the drip to get labour fully underway. In total labour only lasted 6 hours and I felt really good the whole time!
I started on the birth ball using hypnobirthing breath techniques. Closing my eyes, leaning over the bed and breathing through them. I spent some time standing and leaning over the bed also. As labour progressed I used a heat pack for back pain and Ven did counter pressure on my lower back for all of my contractions. When he needed a quick break, Hayley or Shae stepped in for a few moments to do counter pressure or sit with me.
I also used visualisation during my contractions, predominately floating over waves in the ocean as well as thinking about meeting my baby, seeing him coming out and seeing him and Rahnee meet for the first time. For some contractions I repeated hypnobirthing affirmations in my head especially:
Every surge brings me closer to my baby
I breathe up with each surge and my body remains loose and limp
Oh what a beautiful day, the day I meet my baby
My baby is finally coming to me and I am so excited
I am excited to hold my little baby in my arms
My body opens up and my baby moves down a welcoming birth path