Rebekah’s Quick Accidental Car Hypnobirth

Birth Story by Rebekah, Hypnobirthing Mum

“… our baby arrived in the car at the hospital entrance 7.40am! I only started labour a bit before 4am.. a total of no more than 4hours, still can’t believe how quick it all happened… Women need to hear / share more positive stories so that future mums don’t have to fear this journey.

As a first timer during pregnancy I had a lot of negative thoughts / fears on all things pregnancy/birth/parenthood so I researched and tried all options to ensure I had a positive birth experience. 

I can’t say for sure whether it was my healthy lifestyle, Hypnobirth classes, eating dates, drinking raspberry leaf tea or using primrose oil but our baby arrived in the car at the hospital entrance 7.40am! I only started labour a bit before 4am.. a total of no more than 4hours, still can’t believe how quick it all happened. I had hoped for a birth with minimal-no interventions but intended on delivering in hospital with medical care available should I want/need it. Hospital birth classes provided information on medical options available to assist birth but not how to manage labour without interventions.  Hypnobirthing classes gave me the tools and courage to pursue an intervention-free birth. 

I woke feeling some discomfort like needing to use the bathroom and tried to go back to sleep but when this sensation came back again being one day after my due date I figured this must be it. I was able to simply use breathing techniques during this stage and ensured all the house blinds were drawn to maintain a dark environment and set the diffuser with lavender.

Rebekah and Luke's Quick Car Hypnobirth Birth Story

My husband woke at about 5am and I let him know, we showered, shaved, and put on a load of washing. By 6am Hubby had some breakfast and I got the birth/exercise ball out to try different positions and I thought I better eat something but nausea and vomiting started and Hubby let the hospital know about 7am that I was in labour.

Rebekah and Luke's Quick Car Hypnobirth Birth Story

Everything then just seemed to jump to an extreme level of intensity without warning and being a first timer/being told your first time will take all day I thought there was no way I could continue without medical pain relief so we packed the car, and got ready to go to hospital. You’re taught the different stages of labour; how you won’t be able to think or talk much between contractions in active and transition stages, yet somehow, I was still asking hubby to check the washing. I figured I could get through another contraction if the washing only had 5mins to go… especially if this was going to be the next stage for god knows how many hours let alone transition. Little did I know. On the way to the hospital, I felt what I thought was the sac and thought our baby would be delivered still in it. Hubby was on the phone to the hospital letting them know things had moved along very quickly, so when we pulled into the drop-off area the midwife was there waiting but I was already trying to get off the seat and as they opened the door to help me move my waters broke and our little one popped out! 

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