Kara’s Amazing Hypnobirth with Her Beautiful 4.8kg Baby

This was Kara and Anthony’s 2nd baby. Kara was induced for her 1st birth and there was cascade of interventions that she was hoping to avoid for her 2nd birth, so they came to Positively Hypnobirthing to do the Hypnobirthing Australia™ course. They did such an amazing job at coping with pressures during the lead up to the birth and then again during the birth of their bub. They asserted their right to choice and knew that just because they were told their baby was measuring big, it did not mean there was any reason for alarm or any reason not to trust Kara’s body to do the job it was designed to do. Kara and Anthony’s bub, Patrick, ended up weighing a very healthy 4.8kg (over 10 pounds!). She was such a hypnobirthing star!

The Unsung Hero of Birth – The Birth Partner

Helping expecting mothers feel confident, positive and empowered about the birth of their baby is a huge part of why I teach hypnobirthing. This confidence is enhanced by having a birthing companion who is a great support through the experience and it is these unsung heroes, which I wanted to talk about.